Thursday, July 11, 2013

4 sehat 5 sempurna

Saya Stefani Clara Avila. 21 tahun. Punya adek cewek bernama Petra Christiana Aristo. Sudah meninggal. Kecelakaan. Tgl 5 Juli 2013. Bersama saya. Iya, kecelakaannya sama saya. Saya hanya lecet di kaki, tapi Petra.....

Pada dasarnya saya iri sama adek saya ini. Dari postur tubuh, dia lebih berat dan lebih tinggi. Dari wajah, dia punya lesung pipit *bikin tambah manis*. Dia juga terlihat lebih dewasa. Pernah kita dipanggil Dek Fani dan Mba Petra. Oke fine. 
Sifatnya pun dewasa. Saya kalah. Saya sombong bgd waktu masuk OSIS, jadi seksi di suatu bidang, eehhh.. adek saya jadi kandidat ketua Osis.. Saya bangga ikut kegiatan OMK di Paroki, eehhh di ikut kegiatan OMK sekeuskupan sampai dikirim ke Sanggau.. Saya pamer waktu saya join di IPKASMA, eeehhhh saat jatah dia ikut IPKASMA dia jadi Ketuanya.. Sedih. Ga jadi sombong, ga jadi pamer. Adek saya yg satunya juga hebat. Kognitifnya luar biasa. Pintar. Cerdas. Manusiawi, saya kakak yg ingin bisa dicontoh dan terlihat baik oleh adek2 saya. Tapi sekarang, apa yg bisa saya banggakan?? Apa mereka melihat saya itu sebagai sosok yang baik??
Namun, karena peristiwa ini, saya sadar. Saya tidak boleh gengsi. Beruntung saya punya orang tua yang hebat juga. Tidak pernah membedakan anak2nya. Selalu mengajari untuk melayani Tuhan apa pun itu caranya. Maka dari itu, sekarang, dengan rendah hati, saya bilang, SAYA BANGGA SAMA ADEK SAYA. Saya tidak lagi iri. Terimakasih sudah mengajari saya banyak hal. Terimakasih. Dan maaf..

Saya tahu, semua orang yang mengenal adek saya, pasti merasa sangat kehilangan. Terutama keluarga besar saya. Saya tahu. Petra itu special. Saya tahu, saya tidak akan pernah bisa menggantikan posisi Petra yg luar biasa itu. Tapi saya berusaha untuk meneladan Petra. Sehingga orang2 di sekitar saya juga merasa bahagia saat seperti bersama Petra. 

Terimakasih Petra..
Selamat Jalan..
Hati hati yaa..
We love you.. 
Dapet salam dari Bapak, Ibu, Mas Dil..

4 sehat , 5 sempurna..
Kita berempat baik2 saja, tapi lebih sempurna jika berlima denganmu...


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Case Study about Shamanism

A.    Introduction
FIP stands for Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan or Philosophy of Science (in English). It is one of subjects must be taken by English Language Education Study Program (ELESP)’ students. It is an important subject since ELESP’students are supposed to be the next teacher who should know and teach knowledge scientifically. According to Cambridge Advance’s Dictionary, science means the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical world, especially by watching, measuring and doing experiments, and the development of theories to describe the results of these activities. While philosophy means the use of reason in understanding such things as the nature of reality and existence, the use and limits of knowledge and the principles that govern and influence moral judgment. Moreover, Philosophy of Science means the process of assessing human knowledge. In assessing human knowledge, there are two limitations: material object and formal object. Material object is the object of assessment which exists. Formal object is the method used in assessing the material object.  Philosophy of science itself is a basic of science and it is based on human’s critical thinking and common sense.

Case :
Dunia perdukunan masih eksis, meski kehidupan telah memasuki masa modern. Praktek santet, pelet, guna-guna, tenung, pengasihan, pesugihan dan sejumlah istilah mistis lainnya, masih diyakini kekuatannya.
Lahan subur bagi sang dukun untuk meraup keuntungan besar dari praktek-praktek yang ditawarkan. Satu pasien, bahkan berani membayar hingga miliaran rupiah. Para dukun pun hidup mewah dengan pundi-pundi kekayaan melimpah.
Sejumlah nama dukun atau paranormal menjadi tenar, bahkan langanan tampil di media masa. Mereka terkenal sebagai 'dukun selebritis' yang terus eksis, seeksis dunia perdukunan itu sendiri.
Berikut para dukun selebritis yang membuka praktik ilmu santet dan pelet. Sebagian pasien, mereka adalah para publik figur atau artis yang sedang dirundung persoalan. (kpl/dar)
The goal of learning philosophy of science is to help people in living at society and to get better life. Unconsciously, science and myth are developing the society. The aim of this paper is to discuss a case based on Philosophy of Science’s theories.

B.     Discussion
According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, dukun (shaman) means people who treat, give magical words (jampi-jampi) to somebody else. While perdukunan means process or way with shamanism. There are many kinds of shaman in this world, such as dukun beranak, dukun klenik, etc. Outside Indonesia, they usually call it as voodoo. Eventhough modernity grows up very fast in our society, shaman still exist among people and some of them depend on shamanism.
            Here are some characteristics of shamanism (perdukunan)
1.      Asking for personal information, such as father’s or mother’s name
2.      Asking for the date of birth and ‘pasaran’ (Javanese’s days)
3.      Asking for one of costumer’s thing (picture, handkerchief,  clothes, etc) as the requirements for shaman
4.      (sometimes) Asking for certain animals, such as ‘ayam cemani, burung pelatuk bawang’, etc or other things, such as ‘bunga kantil, ponibalsawa oil, daun sirih, tanah dari rumah penderita, tanah kuburan, air sumur kramat, etc.’
5.      Giving talisman (an object believed to bring good luck or to keep its owner safe from harm) word and drawing a square which is have alphabets and numbers inside it. After that giving other talisman like a cut of wood, clothes, etc.
6.      Reading magic formula which is difficult to understand, quoting for Al’quran which is separated.
Several people in certain area still believe this way to help them in their problem (finance, love, career, etc). They usually live in back country which still stand in their culture from ancestor strongly. Their knowledge comes from the myth. Myth is a traditional story which explaining a natural/social phenomena and typically involving supranatural being/events. For example Javanese believe that eclipse means there is a ‘buto’, Betara Kala, who wants eat the moon. Then, they will hit ‘kentongan’ many times to prevent ‘the buto’ eats the moon. There is no explanation for this myth scientifically. The use of certain animals as the requirements of shaman also don’t have any relation towards their problems. But for shaman and the believers, they believe that those requirements can help them. This perception doesn’t have common sense to be proven. Common sense is everything which makes sense. Aristotle stated that “Kemampuan yang ada di dalam diri manusia yang berupa kemampuan utama untuk memutuskan suatu pengetahuan tentang realitas konkrit yang sifatnya dapat diinderai oleh banyak orang (common sensible).” On the other side, not all people can believe shaman. Because one of common sense’s characteristics is accepted by people around the world or majority of universal, shaman cannot be included to common sense.

However, some domains in Indonesia still have strong believe towards shamanism. All people deserve to choose their believe, even sometimes some people cannot accept it rationally. Moreover, based on the case, shaman got the income from famous public figure or artists which is known as modern people. They don’t have enough common sense to think so that they fall into this world. Shaman will get profit as many as they want. Do they really get the solving problem? Actually, the one that can help to solve their problem is the mind set or paradigm. For example, A believes that A can recover after A see doctor B, whereas A is closer to doctor C. This is A’s mind set that A can be recovered by B. By thinking of it, A can be recover by his thinking. Same with the case, if people think can solve their problem by shamanism, they also think that the only one can help is shaman.

C.     Conclusion
As educated person, we can blame each other who are in different side from us. What we can do are live happily with other and respect each other. By learning Philosophy of Science, we are supposed to apply the theories to the real life. By applying the theories, hopefully we can live together with other.

D.    References

Herujiyanto, A. (2001). The Theory of Katresnanism. Retrieved from

The Liang Gie. 1997. Pengantar Filsafat Ilmu.Yogyakarta: LibertY

Titus, H., Smith, M., Nolan, R. (1995). Living Issues in Philosophy. 9th edn. New York: Oxford University Press.

Hikmah Dibalik Varicela

Tanggal 28 Mei 2013 pagi, setelah mandi, aku dandan thuh. Masih pake tank top gitu. Eh, di leher sebelah kiri ada bentolan gitu. Aku kira jerawat. Aku pencetlaaa. [hehehe] Siangnya, aku pusing, sakit kepala, badan pegel2. Padahal hari itu kegiatanku full banget. Sampe asrama jam 7 malam, aku makan, minum obat truz tidur. Aku pikir aku cuman kecapean.

29 Mei 2013, kepala masih pusing. Tapi tep harus kuliah donk. Mandi duluuuu... Pas mandi.. Ada bentol2 di perut. [tiddaaaaaaakk] semacam cacar. Kata ibu aku, aku udah kena cacar pas masih kecil. Tapi ini beneran cacar. Akhirnya aku periksa di dokter umum Ngasem dianterin sodara. Iya. Aku kena cacar. [dyaaaaaaarrrr]. Besok Jumat aku ngajar cooyyy.. Besok Senin aku ujian cooyyy.. Campur aduk deh rasanya. -______-

Akhirnya tgl 30 Mei, aku dijemput. Ga pengen nularin ke temen2 laennya. Tadinya masih ga nrima, kena cacar di hari penghujung semester gini. Tapi lama kelamaan bisa diambil hikmahnya kok..

Iya. Aku ga rajin mandi. Secara aku ga gampang keringetan, ga bau (Puji Tuhan), and ga maen kotor2an. Tapi saran dokter, sakit cacar harus rajin mandi. Mandinya pake larutan PK. Ntar kalo dicampur air, airnya bakal jadi ungu. Yauda, mau ga mau harus rajin mandi biar cepet sembuh. :)

Ada cacar di muka. Iya, sekarang lagi ga bisa bedain mana jerawat mana cacar. Padahal cacar ga boleh digaruk ato dipencet2 kan? Takut bekasnya ga ilang. Iya, sekarang mencetin jerawatnya berkurang :)

Monday, May 20, 2013


Tanggal 19 Mei 2013 adalah hari yang bersejarah buat aku. Ini pertama kalinya aku nonton konser Mocca live! oh God.. It was so awesome. :') Tiap kali Mocca nyanyi, aku masih ga percaya yang biasanya cuman dengerin lewat winamp, tapi sekarang aku duduk di depannya jarak 2m .. oh meeennn :))

tiket konser MOCCA pertama :)

ditemenin mas pacar donkss

tadi malem itu adalah acara Malam Apresiasi Pemuda yg dibikin sama @fisfest2013 . Mereka mengundang @moccaofficial sebagai bintang tamu deh..
How cool they are!!

dari Arina on the stage aja aku udah mrebes mili ..
teteh Arina baru aja keluar. aku udah hampir nangis

ON THE NIGHT LIKE THIS >> nangis tak tertahankan

penutupan palsu mereka :)

penutupan palsu mereka :))

nyanyi lagi nii :*
in front of the stage :)

makasih yaa Ari Jepunk, udah nemenin :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Translation #1

An English Love Story

            The rain hit the cobbled street hard and ran in rivulets down the hill. It made a loud ringing sound on the corrugated tin roofs of the houses that merchants and street performers were hiding under.  The rain was fast, there was no warning, and only a clap of thunder and then the storm came.  The sky was gray and the street urchins who play in the alleys and sit on the corners are all hiding from the storm.  But not Richard Lancaster, he was safe in his carriage on the way to meet the love of his life.
            He normally wouldn’t go through such a run-down portion of the neighborhood but she had said it was something important, and he couldn’t help but think that maybe she would finally say that she loved him too.  She was in a relationship with another man, but he had always been her closest confidant and he had always had hope.  He was woken out of his daydreams by another clap of thunder, and he decided not to dwell on what she might say.  He looked out the window of his carriage and recognized that he was in her part of town, and he began to get excited again.
            He had always been like this for her.  She would talk to him once, and he would daydream of her all day long.  His work was beginning to suffer from the constant distraction.  One day they went on a picnic in the park, and her smell, her voice, everything about her made him joyous.  But for the whole week afterwards he hadn’t been able to focus at his job as an accountant.  His manager was worried that he would be too distracted and start making errors that cost the company lots of money.  When Richard had told her, she had insisted on him focusing on his work and that they should stop having picnics if it affected him like that.
            He was once again jolted out of his reverie by the carriage hitting an exceptionally large pothole in the cobbled street.  The carriage then came to a slow stop and he noticed the building in which his beloved lived.  He got out of the carriage, took his umbrella and walked towards the door.  She was waiting for him and had opened the door before he reached the steps.  She was beautiful, as always, in her white dress with a blue satin ribbon in her hair, and his breath was taken away.  She noticed and began to blush, but he caught himself in time before she could say anything.  He walked into the mudroom, took off his coat and hat, and she welcomed him in for tea.
            “So, Katelyn, what was so important that you had me rush over here?” Richard asked as he went to get the tea set.
            “Richard, I have good news.  But you had best sit down before I tell you.”
            Richard pulled out Katelyn’s chair so she could sit down and she began to blush again.  He poured tea for the both of them and then sat down as well.  “Alright, what is the good news?”  Richard was hopeful by the look on her face that today might be the day that she would return his feelings, but it was not to be.
            “Andrew has finally asked me to marry him.  I said yes, oh I love him so much!”  Katelyn blushed again and looked down at her cup as she said this.
            “Oh…” was all Richard could manage, and then he set down his tea, and was quiet for a long time.  They drank their tea in silence before he said “Congratulations, I hope you two will be happy with each other.”  His voice was colder than he meant it to be.
            “No, Richard, please don’t be mad!  It was all so sudden, I couldn’t help it!”  Katelyn’s voice was getting choked and he couldn’t bear to see her like this.
            “I really must be going, goodbye Katelyn.”  Again, colder than he meant.
            “No! Richard, please don’t leave me, I need you here, you’re my closest friend and I… I love you too.”  Katelyn was beginning to cry and he knew it was his fault.  He had to get out of her life fast before he could cause her more pain.
            “You don’t love me the way you love him.  You know I love you more than anything and that this would be the worst thing you could’ve said.”  Richard was getting his coat and hat back on, he was ready to leave.
            “I know and I’m so sorry, I couldn’t help it.  I can’t control my feelings just like you can’t control yours.”  She was crying completely now and could barely get the words out before she choked up.
            Richard couldn’t feel anything except the dull aching inside him and the rain on his back.  He walked to the carriage and began to ride home.  On his way through the neighborhood he saw a street urchin hiding beneath one of the metal stalls.  The man looked exactly like him, except in rags.  Richard was scared and could barely get any sleep that night.
            Over the next few weeks his work began to suffer, he couldn’t focus, and his manager was getting more and more worried.  The dull ache was always present inside him, and one day he just stared into the distance while his work piled up.  The manager came in, took one look at the mountain of paper piling up and he began to yell.  Richard was fired from his job, the only source of his meager income was gone.  He used to live paycheck to paycheck and couldn’t do that anymore.  He gathered his things, went to his apartment and laid on the couch with only him, his clothes, and the ache.
            Katelyn was worried about him.  She sent flowers, poetry, songs, and after he was unemployed, money.  She wanted to let him know that she was always there for him and that she loved him.  The money would go to the landlord who understood what he was going through.  But eventually the poetry stopped coming, then the songs, then the flowers, then the money.  The last thing he got from her before he was evicted from his apartment was a sketch of her and Andrew on their honeymoon.  She was as beautiful as ever, in her white dress with blue satin ribbon in her hair. (1084 words)
            He lost all feeling in his body except the ache, which seemed to pulse with each step he took, each breath, every heartbeat.  He wandered aimlessly until he found a church, and he walked inside to get out of the rain.  A priest was inside, praying on one of the pews.  Richard walked over to the man, got on his knees, and begged to be blessed.  The priest, overwhelmed by the sorrow in Richard’s voice, blessed him and Richard cried himself to sleep in that church.
            Many years later, the rain hit the cobbled street hard and ran in rivulets down the hill. It made a loud ringing sound on the corrugated tin roofs of the houses that merchants and street performers were hiding under.  The rain was fast, there was no warning, and only a clap of thunder and then the storm came.  The sky was gray and the street urchins who play in the alleys and sit on the corners are all hiding from the storm.  But not Andrew Jones, he was safe in his carriage on the way to meet the love of his life.
            He normally wouldn’t go through such a run-down portion of the neighborhood but she had said it was something important, and he was excited to hear the news. Maybe she was finally pregnant!  Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a man in rags hiding from the storm beneath a stall.  It was Richard Lancaster.

Free Printable

Hey, you!!
I like photography very much. So far, I do it outdoor. I like finding a place that has beautiful scenery. However, wherever we take the picture, it's based on our skill. Not really good place can create good picture.

hhhmm.. One day, I hope I can try to take photo indoor. Of course, it needs some properties. Fortunately, I found this blog. It has free printable props to support taking photo indoor..
Here is the link .

Now, I will prepare my props. Just wait for the next upload!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

thank you!!

Kita Punya Fans

Namanya Surya Samudra. Dia penyiar di UTM radio (channel radio di Magelang). Kebetulan mas Jepunk sering request lagu buat aku lewat account facebook UTM. Kebetulan lagi, tiap mas Jepunk request, yg lagi siaran adalah Surya Samudra ini. Akhirnya saling add-confirm deh.. Begitu juga dengan aku. Setelah kita berteman, dia suka nge-like foto atau status kita. hahaha katanya kita pasangan yang romantis dan bikin iri (xixixixi). Stlh kita temenan, tiap mas Jepunk request selalu diplay lho.. hahahha makasih yaaa..

Tiba-tiba hari Sabtu tgl 4 Mei 2013, Mas Surya nge-tag  sebuah foto.. 

jreeeeeeeennnngg >,<

Tau ga ini apa? Ternyata dia pasang foto terbaru kita buat DP dia di BB.. OMG!!!! Segitu nge-fansnya yaa?? hahahahaha kita kaget sumpah.. sempet2nya gitu lho pasang foto kita buat DPnya.. Katanya banyak yang komen.. Ada yang bilang suka, lucu, romantis, dll.. Dan mereka berharap ini bisa jadi foto prewedding. Foto Prewedding?? Itu foto sebelum memutuskan untuk menikah kan?? Ah, doakan saja yaa. Tapi jangan doain cepet2 nikah. Masih muda bets nii.. Doakan kami langgeng yaa..

Terimakasih mas Surya Samudra.. 
Terimakasih teman contact BBnya mas Surya Samudra..
Terimakasih mas ganteng Ari Jepunk.. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Monthsarries' Gift from my BF

Aku pengen banget ke pantai.. eh, dengan senang hati mas Ari Jepunk ngabulin yaa.. Terimakasih, Sayang :*


Friday, April 26, 2013

My Silly Couple!

Thank God for giving him to me. He is really really silly. I can do everything with him.
Thank you :')

I love Ari Jepunk

Friday, April 19, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Serba - Serbi Micro Teaching

>> sebelumnya mohon maaf kalo pake Bahasa Indonesia <<

Semester (6) ini, aku ambil kelas Micro Teaching. Di kelas ini, kita udah ga bisa mengelak lagi kalo kita emang lagi dibentuk menjadi seorang GURU yang pantes diGUGU lan diTIRU.
Kali ini aku mau mengulas Serba-Serbi Micro Teaching yang perlu diperhatikan ..

1. Appearance (penampilan)
Kebetulan aku dapet dosen yang sedikit strict buat masalah penampilan. Banyak banget dah aturannya. Tapi itu semua buat kita juga kok. Secara first impression thu yang paling ngena. Saat kita jadi guru, hal pertama yang dilihat murid kita thu ya penampilan kita. Kalo penampilan kita rapi, bersih, eye catching (tapi ga norak) pasti deh murid-murid pada merhatiin kita.
Berikut adalah ketentuan standar penampilan GURU :

a. Kalo cewek pake ROK kain, kalo cowok pake CELANA kain
    Emang sih ada beberapa sekolah yang memperbolehkan guru cewek pake celana kain. Tapi alangkah lebih anggunnya kalo guru cewek pake rok (kodrat).

(to be continue .... )


NON PAVERE (LATIN) dalam Bahasa Indonesia berarti JANGAN TAKUT.
Acara ini diadakan oleh OMK St. Ignatius pada tanggal 13 April 2013 
bagi teman teman kaum muda yang akan menghadapi Ujian Nasional. 
Selain belajar tekun, kita juga harus minta bantuan Tuhan dong yaaaa..

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Classical vs Jazz Music

Nowadays, classical and jazz music are prestigious things. Many people appreciate listening and playing them. Which one do you prefer? Now, I am going to compare and contrast between classical and jazz music in some aspects.
There are two similarities between the two. The first similarity is that they both have the same function. It is entertainment. We know that some Indonesian musicians have made some concerts. The newest classical concert is Cantaible Concert. Twilite Orchestra who is led by Addie MS could hipnotize the audiences. Besides, jazz music also has the famous concert. It is Java Jazz International. Many internasional musicians, such as Dave Kos, take part in this concert. Certainly, it will satisfy many jazz lovers.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

Sekolah/Madrasah      : SMA Sanata Sadhar
Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester           : X/I
Alokasi Waktu            : 2 x 40 menit
Skill                            : listening / mendengarkan
Standar Kompetensi :
            Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar :
            Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menunjukkan simpati.
Indikator :
Kognitif proses    :
1.    Siswa mampu mencocokkan ekspresi yang digunakan dalam rekaman
2.    Siswa mampu menjawab teks rumpang yang berisi percakapan menunjukkan simpati
3.    Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menunjukkan simpati
4.    Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi tindak tutur menunjukkan simpati
Afektif                 :
1.    Siswa dapat merespon yang terdapat dalam percakapan secara akurat, lancar, santun, dan berterima

Monday, January 14, 2013

quality time with dek Canon and mas Tri(pot)

We met because we like taking pictures together. This was our quality time.
We are happy to share our happiness.

On Saturday, January 12 2013, we had our trip to Tembi Tea Garden in Wonosobo. As usual, my boyfie drove his beloved Julve. We started our trip at 8.30. On the way, I felt so happy because I could what God has done.

After arriving the location, it was raining suddenly. We felt sad. We thought that we couldn't continue this photo session. Fortunately, the rain stopped as soon as possible. And we started our photo session :)